A Quick Breakdown of Concrete and Concrete Mixing Plants

The history of concrete

Concrete has been around since the time of the Ancient Romans and Egyptians. At the time, there was a variety called Roman concrete, which was made from quicklime, pozzolana, and pumice. Roman concrete is perhaps one of the strongest in the world. Proof of the strength of the material can be found in Ancient Roman architecture still standing today. Back then, the material was made without the use of modern concrete mixing plants. Amazingly, the products have withstood the test of time.

What exactly is concrete made of?

Many people underestimate the science that goes into concrete production. In fact, ask anyone and they probably won’t be able to tell you that there are many different varieties, but that’s taking it one step ahead. Concrete is made out of the combination of the following ingredients: cement, water, aggregates, reinforcements, and

chemical and mineral admixtures.

Most people think that cement and concrete are one in the same. Although the terms can be used interchangeably, they are different things. Cement is a component of concrete, but the same cannot be said of the other.

What are the different varieties of concrete?

Believe it or not, there are many different types of concrete. The more common ones include the following:

– Regular cement – This is the material most people are familiar with. It’s the stuff that comes in sacks or packets and can be bought at hardware stores.

– Pervious concrete

– Stamped concrete – This concrete can be treated while still wet to mimic the look of brick, wood, or cobblestone, among others.

Concrete mixing designs are complex. It is also a fairly versatile material. This is said because the design of concrete can be tailored from project to project. For example, the concrete used for a modern day home will be different from the concrete used for a high rise building. Concrete designs are customised according to the different demands such as strength and weight requirements.

How is concrete made?

Back in the day, concrete was made manually. The same can be said for small projects today. For bigger projects, however, concrete plants are used. Concrete mixing plants are manufacturing plants where concrete ingredients are mixed before being transported to a construction site. There are two types of concrete mixing plants. The first is a ready mix plant, where all ingredients are combined, with the exception of water. The second, known as a central mix plant, combines all ingredients at a central location. The final product of the former is then transported to a construction site.

Employing the use of such is beneficial to a construction site because of two reasons. One, it eliminates the potential risk of waste. It’s important to remember that for projects, an exact amount is made. This is done so that there is no oversupply. The second benefit is that it eliminates inefficiency at the construction site.

Source by Carolyn Loomis

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